
First experience in the Italian panorama, the aim of the FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA AUDIOVISUAL FUND is to support the development of local film companies and promote the regional audiovisual works in national and international markets.

The Fund operates in three main sectors: training, to encourage the participation of local audiovisual professional in national and international courses for directors, scriptwriters, producers, editors, camera operators, and sound engineers; development, to cover all the activities between the idea and the production phase, from the script-writing and the research, to the casting, the fund raising and the presentation of a teaser; distribution, along with the promotion of the projects, this last action includes a financial support to cover production expenses, so as to create more competitive products.

Along with the ordinary management of the fund, the FVG AUDIOVISUAL FUND has organized several events aimed at creating platforms for cinema professionals from all around the world and developing the local audiovisual industry. The main purpose is to offer new training possibilities and set up new market places, where professionals can meet up, share experiences and start to collaborate.

These are some of the main activities the FVG AUDIOVISUAL FUND has organized in the last few years:

WEMW is organized by the FVG Audiovisual Fund and theTrieste Film Festival in collaboration with EAVE, Creative Europe Desk Italy, EURIMAGES, and the support of Creative Europe/MEDIA Programme, MIC (Ministero dei Beni Ambientali e Culturali), CEI – Central European Initiative and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The main aim is to set up a platform where it is possible to meet funds representatives, commissioning editors, sales agents and possible co-producers from both sides of Europe and offer a complete and detailed overview of both film industries, so to give to all participants the chance to fully understand the co-production and distribution possibilities.

Ties That Bind brings together Asian and European producers with feature film projects and related professionals during two workshops, guided by top-level Asian and European industry professionals. The first workshop takes place in Asia and the second workshop takes place in Italy in parallel with FOCUS ASIA, the Industry Section of the Udine Far East Film Festival. During both workshops the participants will work on the development and packaging of their projects, explore the sources of financing, market and co-production opportunities in both continents, and will meet with decision makers from Europe and Asia.

RE-ACT is a transregional initiative set up in 2015 by the CROATIAN AUDIOVISUAL CENTRE, FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA AUDIOVISUAL FUND (IT), SLOVENIAN FILM CENTRE, joined by FILM CENTER SERBIA in 2019. It is designed for filmmakers and producers who wish to foster closer ties within Croatia, Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT), Slovenia and Serbia, and aimed in developing new audiovisual projects and fostering international co-productions.RE-ACT has two components: an innovative co-development funding scheme and a series of specifically targeted training programmes.The initiative is a natural progression, stemming from a successful and long-standing history of cooperation between the film funds. In the last few years alone, this collaboration has resulted in the development of several training/networking activities, as well as the joint funding of several multi-award-winning co-productions.

EAVE PUENTES is the most relevant and successful training programme for developing European-Latin American co-production. The workshop is targeted at Latin American & European producers focusing on project development, but it is also open to receive the applications of other European professionals interested in working with Latin America (sales agents, financiers, distributors, festival programmers, co-production market representatives) or European producers focusing on career development (not bringing a specific project).

  • EURODOC 2009/2011 Gorizia, Septmber 19/26 – 2009

EURODOC is a training programme designed for European professionals of the documentary field developing a specific project for international coproduction. Every year around 32 Producers from 15 European countries are selected for a three one-week sessions workshop. In 2009, we started a long-term cooperation with three institutions, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission – Audiovisual Regional Fund, the Slovenian Film Fund and the Croatian Audio-Visual Center, in order to welcome every year one producer from each of these three neighbouring countries (Italy, Slovenia and Croatia) in the European group. During the third session in 2009 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a trans-regional workshop was held, offering to a group of 12 professionals (4 from each of these countries) a full access to this workshop alongside the other European participants.

  • EUROREGIO AUDIOVISUAL MEETING Trieste, 10/11 March 2008

The EUROREGION AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION MEETING took place the 10th and the 11th of March in Trieste, and gathered producers, broadcasters and funds representatives coming from the countries of the EUROREGION and the neighbouring areas. The five delegations discussed several topics related to the cross-border audiovisual co-production, starting a deep reflection upon the relationships and the experiences had so far. The comparison among the relevant situations was the point of departure for an in-depth discussion regarding the future perspectives. The main aims of the Meeting were: proposal of a new efficient policy to foster the collaboration within the Euroregion; analysis of the financial supports offered by the INTERREG programme; start-up of new concrete forms of cross-border co-production and co-distribution.


The different situations and the consequences on the films and documentaries made in these European regions have been the main topics of the “1st Meeting on Audiovisual Production in Minority Language”, event which gathered in Udine several delegations coming from United Kingdom, Sweden, Spain, France and Switzerland. A two-day meeting organized by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Commission – Audiovisual Regional Fund, the Regional Ministery for Education, Culture, Sport and Peace – Linguistic Identity Service, ARLeF – Regional Agency for the Friulian Language, and RAM – Audiovisual and Multimedia Research. The main aim was to promote further collaboration in the audiovisual sector and find new opportunities for the audiovisual market in minority languages. Even if the differences among the regional realities are significant (a Gaelic film has been selected for the Oscars, and approximately three hundred people in Wales work in the audiovisual production in Welsh), the shared wish is to overcome these regional boundaries.

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