Registered office: Via Vallona, 66 – PORDENONE
Operating office: UDINE

Despite being a young company, set up in 2008, Tucker Film has already managed to become a point of reference in Italian independent production and distribution. The company focuses on two main fields of interest: projects related to the territory and culture of Friuli Venezia Giulia and the distribution of Asian films.      Among the movies distributed by Tucker Film are: Rumore Bianco by Alberto Fasulo (2008), Departures by Takita Yojiro (2010 – Oscar Award 2009 for Best Foreign Movie), Poetry by Lee Chang-dong (2011), A Simple Life by Ann Hui (2012), L’Estate di Giacomo by Alessandro Comodin (2012 – Premio Pardo d’oro Cineasti del presente and Premio George Foundation at Locarno Film Festival 2011), In Another Country by Hong Sang-soo (2012) and Zoran, Il mio nipote scemo by Matteo Oleotto (2013 – International Critics’ Week Award at Venice Film festival 2013). Recent and future distribution projects bear witness to Tucker Film’s stature: TIR by Alberto Fasulo (Marc’Aurelio d’oro at the Festival internazionale del film di Roma, 2013), Class Enemy by Rok Biček and Parole povere by the well-known Italian director Francesca Archibugi, a documentary on Italian poet Pierlugi Cappello.

Supported projects
Asian Takes
L’angelo dei muri
Mixed Martial Arts
Noi, gli italiani della città proibita
Parole povere
Un paese di primule e caserme

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