Android Phil


Genre Documentary
Director E.Vojvoda
Screenwriter E.Vojvoda, V.Toldo
Production Company Cromo Studio, Jump Cut

In 2005 David Hanson and Andrew Olney, two students passionate about robotics and fantasy, decide to build an android and give it a synthetic life. With sophisticated artificial intelligence, they build an android head capable of long conversations. This head claims to be the writer Philip K. Dick.
The android created by Hanson and Olney, in the guise of Philip K. Dick, attracts the attention of tech geeks, media and science fiction communities. Maybe it’s just an illusion, a clever trick. Or maybe, hidden behind the gears and microchips, is something more hidden?

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: E.Vojvoda
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: E.Vojvoda, V.Toldo
Fotografia/DOP: M. Balsamini
Montaggio/Editor: E.Vojvoda
Suono/Sound: R.Vojvoda
Produzione/Production company: Cromo Studio, Jump Cut -

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