

Genre Fiction
Director A.Magnani
Screenwriter A.Magnani
Production company Pilgrim Film, Fresh Production Group, Bartlebyfilm
Website pilgrimfilm.it

Isidoro, aka Easy, is depressed. His career as a car racer golden boy stopped when he couldn’t fit in his car anymore, after he piled too much weight. One day, his brother comes to him with a job: drive a coffin with the body of an Ukrainian bricklayer, from Italy to Ukraine. Unfortunately, he might go by the name of Easy, but for him nothing is, and he will soon get lost.

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Regia/Director: A.Magnani
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: A.Magnani
Fotografia/DOP: D.Nedria
Montaggio/Editor: L. Mearelli
Suono/Sound: A.Brzhestovsky, F.Morosini
Musiche originali/Music: Luca Ciut
Produzione/Production company: Pilgrim Film, Fresh Production, Bartlebyfilm
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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