
Genre Documentary
Director N.Leghissa, B. Pfletschinger
Production Company Hyphae

What does our future in Europe look like? In coordination with ARTE, SARAH SCHILL (36) is traveling to five European cities in search of new ideas and concepts. She wants to get to know the people and initiatives that are inspiring our future and show us Europe’s most exciting urban centers.
Cities have always been the driving force behind social change. Today nearly 70 per cent of Europe’s population lives in urban centers while modern forms of communication are increasingly connecting young people around the globe.
Sarah follows friends she’s met over the Internet from Krakow to Toulouse and from Dortmund to Maastricht all the way up to Tallinn. Her focus will not be on big metropolises, but on slightly smaller cities that are in the public eye because of the innovative solutions they are coming up with due to unique challenges they are facing.

Supported for the Development -

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