

Genre Documentary
Director M.Garlatti Costa
Screenwriter M.Garlatti Costa
Production Company Belka Media
Website Belka Media.com

“In the summer of ’44, over 26,000 Cossacks and Caucasians, with their families, arrived in Italy aboard 50 freight trains and founded their new homeland in the mountains of Friuli: “Kosakenland in North Italy”, transforming the Carnia region into their new homeland.”
On May 9th, ’45, the Cossacks surrendered to the British, who handed them over to the Soviets and the gulags.
KOSAKENLAND tells the story of those two years of occupation through historical reconstructions, expert interventions, and testimonies from the population. The objective is to help the viewer understand and visualize what the Cossack occupation meant both for the Friulian and Carnic populations, who saw their land taken away, and for the Cossacks and their families, who were displaced and in the service of the Third Reich.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: M.Garlatti Costa
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M.Garlatti Costa
Fotografia/DOP: M.Garlatti Costa
Montaggio/Editor: M.Garlatti Costa
Suono/Sound: M.Borghesi
Produzione/Production company: Belka Media
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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