La farfalla sull’attaccapanni


Genre Animation
Director V.Cozzarini
Screenwriter V.Cozzarini
Production Company Altreforme

During fascist time, the educational reform denied Slovenians schooling in their mother tongue. The short movie, based on a novel by Boris Pahor, narrates an episode of oppression in the Italian school where the victim is a Slovenian girl, being caught speaking in Slovenian. During recess, kids at school are playing while the teacher is not in the classroom and Julka calls her friend Danilo speaking in Slovenian. The teacher hears her voice clearly as he comes back in the classroom. “Giulia, come here! I don’t want to hear that awful language!” The teacher grabs her violently and hangs her on the hook by the braid.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: V.Cozzarini
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: V.Cozzarini
Produzione/Production company: Altreforme -

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