Noi, gli italiani della città proibita


Genre Documentary
Director E. Jaay
Screenwriters E. Jaay
Production Company Tucker Film

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, a group of young Italians arrive in China. It is the China of hope, the China that is abandoning all the closures of the Cultural Revolution, and those young Italians will choose never to return home. Then finding themselves involved, in various capacities, in the making of a great masterpiece: Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor. “We, the Italians of the Forbidden City. The adventurous story of Bertolucci and The Last Emperor” talks about cinema by talking about dreams and memory, alternating between direct testimonies and archival material.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: E.Jaay
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: E.Jaay
Fotografia/DOP: D.Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: E.Jaay
Produzione/Production company: Tucker Film -

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