Puentes 2023 selection announced

We are delighted to announce the selection of participants for the 2023 edition of PUENTES, the most successful training program for European-Latin American co-production. Thanks to the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union, IBERMEDIA, and the recognition of the Directorate-General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture, we are able to bring together a talented group of 15 industry professionals.

The first session of PUENTES will take place in the city of Udine, Italy, from June 24-30, and is made possible through the strong partnership between EAVE, FVG Audiovisual Fund, and MiC. In parallel to the main PUENTES workshop, an additional group of 11 Italian fiction and documentary producers, as well as other film professionals interested in collaborating with Latin America, will participate in PUENTES ITALIA from June 26-29.

Under the guidance of key industry experts, the participants will develop their projects, careers and company structures over one year and two workshops.

The PUENTES pedagogical team includes Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido (Setembro Cine, AR/ES), group leader Didar Domehri (Maneki Films, FR), script consultant Jacques Akchoti (FR), and producer Agustina Chiarino (Bocacha Films, UY).

They will be joined by Tatiana Leite (Bubbles Project, BR), Marcin Łuczaj (New Europe Film Sales, PO) and Agustina Lumi (A Lumi, ES/AR).

The 14th edition of PUENTES will culminate with a second workshop in Montevideo, Uruguay, from November 20-26, in partnership with Bocacha Films. Following this final week of the workshop, the 2023 participants will attend VENTANA SUR (November 27-December 1) thanks to the partnership between EAVE and the Marché du Film. Additionally, a special workshop for Uruguayan participants will be held during the second week of the workshop.

Here is the list of the 15 selected participants (10 focusing on project development and 5 focusing on career development):

  • Alejandra Antequera, Trisomia Cine, Bolivia

Project: DESIDIA

  • Aleksi Hyvärinen, Don Films, Finland

Project : MONEY RUN

  • Arthur Cohen, Elementary, France
  • Clarissa Guarilha, La Creciente, Uruguay, Brazil


  • Claudio Esposito, The Piranesi Experience, Italy


  • Emilija Sluskonyte, AUSTRÈ, Lithuania
  • Jorge Forero, Marginal Cine, Colombia


  • Lara González Lobo, IFFR, Netherlands, Spain
  • Leandro Listorti, Maravillacine, Argentina


  • Mireia Graell, Ringo Media, Spain


  • Morgan Bushe, Fastnet Films, Ireland
  • Patricipa Barbieri, Prana Filmes, Brazil

Project: SUIT

  • Pilar Peredo, Tu Vas Voir, France, Argentina
  • Stefan Michel, Studio Seufz
  • Thomas Micoulet, Haut Les Mains, France

In addition, 12 Italian professionals have been selected for PUENTES ITALIA. 3 of them are bringing a documentary project in development to the workshop, 3 of them a fiction feature and 5 are focusing on exploring the opportunities of working with Latin America:

  • Pablo Apiolazza, APZmedia
  • Tommaso Brugin, AViLab
  • Alessandro Carroli, EiE film
  • Stefano Chiavarini, Piroetta

Project: EL BUEN VIVIR (Documentary Series)

  • Vincenzo Filippo, Lupin Film
  • Andrea Gori, Lumen Films

Project: THE WILD GIRLS (Fiction Feature)

  • Federica Moretti, 9 Muse

Project: ART OF SINKING (Fiction Feature)

  • Greta Nordio, Redibis Film

Project: SEARCHING CASTANEDA (Documentary Series)

  • Andrea Ranelletti, Minerva Pictures

Project: COSTANERA (Fiction Feature)

  • Fabio Saitto, Point Nemo


  • Angelo Rocco Troiano, Mediterraneo Cinematografica

Project: ISLA (Fiction Feature)

  • Gioia Zurlo, ZaLab Film

The PUENTES workshop is made possible with the support of the Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union and IBERMEDIA, and with the recognition of the Directorate-General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture.

News del 26 June 2023
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