

Italy / 48’/ Colour/ HDV /2008

Genre Documentary
Director Katja Colja
Screenwriter  Katja Colja, Piersilvestro Leopardi
Production company Pianeta Zero

A border town encompasses different worlds, which in Trieste have always pretended to ignore each other. The border, which has so divided, is going to disappear. But when, after sunset, observe the souls of my city, I discovered that in fact never existed.There is the man at the center of everything, life, his thoughts, which do not need to know the limits.
At the center of everything is man, life, his thoughts, which should have no boundaries.

Supported for the Distribution


Regia/Director: Katja Colja
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Katja Colja, Piersilvestro Leopardi
Fotografia/DOP: Franco Di Giacomo
Montaggio/Editor: Alessandro Pinto
Musica originale/Music: Aleksander Ipavec
Suono/Sound: Vasja Križmancic, Massimo Toniutti
Produzione/Production company: Pianeta Zero -

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