Genre Short movie
Director L. Angellotti
Screenwriter L.Angellotti, A.Collavino, C.Zoratti
Production Company Alpis
Luca has just gotten his driving license and “borrowing”, without permission, his father’s car, invites his friend Leo to his first solo driving experience. But you know, the destiny depends on the roads you choose, so the two run into a girl (very charming) who asks them for a ride, altering (very much) the journey of the two friends.
Supported for the Development and the Distribution
Regia/Director: L. AngellottiSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: L.Angellotti, A.Collavino, C.Zoratti
Fotografia/DOP: S.Giacomuzzi
Montaggio/Editor: C.Zoratti
Suono/Sound: L.Dal Ri
Produzione/Production company: Alpis