Italy / Colour / 2011
Genre Documentary
Director I.Bormann, F.Toich
Screenwriter Ivan Bormann
Production company IG società cooperativa
It’s an adventure tale, an examplary story, of tension and revolutionary practice, between anarchy and irony, simplicity, curiosity, vitality through the entire Europe, two Wars and the social struggles of the 20th century. It’s an example on how to tackle life head on, in a responsible manner, facing all contradictions.It’s the story of Umberto Tommasini, from Vivaro, Reign of Italy, 1896, blacksmith, the story of a migration to Trieste, austrohungarian territory. Umberto in Trieste goes through the protests and social struggles, ending up in the Army during World War one in the Italian side, and finding himself in the battlefield of Caporetto.
Shooting in the air hoping not to hit the enemy, in the prison fields, through the Great War, he gets back in Trieste in time to face the first fascist squads. He is beteen the first antifascist to end up in the Confinement, first in Ustica, then Ponza and Ventotene. The story of Umberto gets at time epic, in his ranaway to Paris in exile, till the coming to life of his dream, the libertarian revolution so long desidered in Spain, where the people arise against the fascist golpe by Franco. Here, in Barcelona Umberto finds a second home, between the anarchist volounteers of half Europe, together with the other antifascistes: communists, socialists, and liberals.
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Regia/Director: I.Bormann, F.ToichSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Ivan Bormann, Fabio Toich
Fotografia/DOP: Daniele Trani
Musica originale/Music: Glitch
Produzione/Production company: Ig