Antonio Salieri


Genre Documentary
Director T.Turolo
Screenwriters T.Turolo, V.Zocatelli
Production Company Red On Productions

The documentary film begins in Vienna in 1824. Antonio Salieri, ill and nearing death, confides to his friend Ignaz Freytag von Freudenfeld his frustration over the unfounded accusations regarding Mozart’s death.
Salieri gives Ignaz letters and documents, including a sealed envelope, asking him to reveal the truth. Ignaz starts transcribing the composer’s memories.
In parallel, the narrative shifts to present-day Heidelberg, where German composer Timo Jouko Herrmann, an expert on Salieri, conducts in-depth research on the Venetian musician. Herrmann uncovers the origins of the rumors about Mozart’s assassination, linking them to contemporary society and historical fake news.
The documentary follows three narrative lines: Salieri’s deathbed confession, reenactments of his life and interactions with Mozart, and Herrmann’s contemporary research. The investigation culminates in Herrmann’s discovery of a hidden document in the archives of the National Museum of Music in Prague: the sealed envelope Salieri had entrusted to Ignaz. Ultimately, Salieri’s true nature is revealed: a man of great talent and integrity, a master among masters.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: T.Turolo
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: T.Turolo, V. Zocatelli
Fotografia/DOP: C.Cescutti
Montaggio/Editor: R.Calderini
Suono/Sound: R.Calderini
Musiche originali/Music: V. Zocatelli
Produzione/Production company: Red On Productions -

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