

Slovenia, Italy, Hungary/ 72’ / Colour / 2011

Genre Fiction
Director Jan Cvitkovic
Screenwriter Jan Cvitkovic
Production company Staragara, Transmedia, Inforg Studio

Archeo is a voyage of three people and one planet. A voyage towards each other, a voyage into the core of things. Archeo is a prayer. With Archeo we should first forget about all the mythicalarchetypal junk: the problem of understanding this film is not that we miss something while watching it, but that we see too much in it. There is nothing eternal about the film. Archeo is throughout a film of our historical moment: it is a film of substraction, reduction to the minimum, to the most elementary coordinates of the family TODAY, in the time of its disintegration. The myth presented in the film is not old-fashioned, but our own. The film offers some kind of a transcendental genesis of the basic family unit (father – mother – child) today: what has to be there in the background, present in dusky phantasms, for this unit to take shape. This is a story about forgotten violence, anxiety and insecurity.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: Jan Cvitkovicˇ
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Jan Cvitkovicˇ
Fotografia/DOP: Jure Cernec
Montaggio/Editor: Miloš Kalusek
Musica originale/Music: Damir Avdic
Suono/Sound: Rob Flanagan
Produzione/Production company: Staragara, Transmedia,Inforg Studio -

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