
Italia / 52′ / Colore / HD / 2011
Genre Documentary
Director Michele Codarin
Screenwriter Michele Codarin
Production company Quasar Multimedia
Ardito Desio is a man who lived throughout all the Twentieth Century. He lived as a protagonist: he was an explorer, a military, a scientist and a writer. Desio left detailed memories of his adventurous life: a large archive with thousands of photographic plates, cinematographic films, letters, diaries and objects.Ardito Desio enlisted as a volunteer in the Alpines, while he was still underage. Then he became an Officer of the Italian army. He participated in the defeat of Caporetto, and afterwards he was a war prisoner and a refugee. Some years after the end of the war, he graduated in Florence in Biological Sciences and then he was nominated Professor of Structural Geology at Milan University. Soon he gained the title of explorer and was the head of many scientific and exploring missions in Albania, Greece, Ethiopia, Burma, Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet and Antarctic. But his main missions were the discovery of oil deposits in Libya during the explorations in the Thirties of the Sahara desert, and the expedition that brought the first man on the K2 in 1954. He is one of the last real explorers, a man who has crossed the history of the entire Twentieth Century, a century that is like a watershed between the fascination of the direct observation and the virtual reality.
Supported for the Development and Distribution
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Regia/Director: Michele CodarinFotografia/DOP: Bruno Beltramini
Montaggio/Editor: Nevio De Conti
Produzione/Production company: Quasar Multimedia