Baron Gautsch


Italy / 52’ / Colour/2010

Genre Documentary
Director Renzo Carbonera
Screenwriter Renzo Carbonera
Production company Sd Cinematografica

The luxurious steamship Baron Gautsch is the pride of Austrian Merchant Navy. It is the best, the safest, the fastest means of transport of the Habsburg Empire: it is considered the Austro-Hungarian Titanic. On 13th August 1914, United Kingdom declares war to Austria. On the very same day, Baron Gautsch is travelling to Trieste: it carries not only soldiers and reservists, but also rich tourists and important people of the Empire who are returning to Vienna, because of the war. At 14.45 Gautsch hits a mine and sinks in less than 5 minutes, off the Istrian coasts. 177 people died out of 240 travellers and 66 members of the crew.
Which was the cause of the disaster? A sabotage or a mine put there by the Austrian Navy itself? What was Baron Gautsch carrying? Maybe huge quantities of gold? Where does the truth lie?

Supported for the Development


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Regia/Director: Renzo Carbonera
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Renzo Carbonera
Fotografia/DOP: Luca Coassin
Montaggio/Editor: Renzo Carbonera
Musica originale/Music: Luca Ciut
Suono/Sound: Luca Ciut
Produzione: SD Cinematografica -

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