Being related to John Malkovich


Genre Documentary
Director L.Mavretic
Screenwriters L.Mavretic, V.Mavretic
Production Company Tesla Production

Father and son poets embark on a quest to figure out what hides between the lines of their relationship while exploring their bloodline and an old family myth of a possible kinship with the Hollywood legend. Recollecting their past home, which now exists only in old VHS tapes, Luka and Željko take a trip down memory lane, while also setting out on a path to discovering what the future holds for them. As they connect the dots of their family tree, a mash-up of very different characters is introduced, including a book-van librarian, an old farmer, a John Malkovich double from Croatia, and people from all over the world whose last name is Malković. But, digging up one’s family history always carries a certain risk – will father and son lose their relationship while trying to improve it?

Supported for the Distribution


Regia/Director: L.Mavretic
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: L.Mavretic, V.Mavretic
Fotografia/DOP: M.Marinkic
Montaggio/Editor: I.Sonje
Suono/Sound: E.Amodeo, M.Borghesi
Musiche originali/Music: M.Germini, O.K.Glazer
Produzione/Production company: Tesla Production -

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