Branko, la storia dell’uomo ariete


Genre Fiction
Director M.Garlatti-Costa
Screenwriter M.Garlatti-Costa
Production company Raja Films

Trials and misfortune of an illegal immigrant who manages to survive in a cold and unfriendly industrial town, set at the bottom of an alpine valley. Having lost his job in a local scrap-yard, he falls in love with an African prostitute but is unjustly accused of killing a man. In prison he befriends a former boxer who helps him free his girlfriend from protection from her pimp. They eventually set off for a new life together across the border, aboard a battered old scooter. Branko is a tragicomedy, a fairy tale set in a cold and snowy hell.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: M.Garlatti-Costa
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M.Garlatti-Costa
Produzione/Production company: Raja Films -

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