
Genre Short movie
Director R.Recchioni
Screenwriter R.Recchioni, T.Turolo
Production Company Red On Productions
What would you do to gain success?
A young writer, Anna, trying to get ahead, finds and meets an elder famous writer, Sveva, retired from a the scenes years before. The elder woman lives in a luxury mansion, surrounded by her staff, in the mountains of Carnia. Sveva lives in a cold environment, where the cold is a sort of chryogenesis. The relation between the two women appears strange since the beginning, until the tremendous pact between the two is revealed: fame in exchange for an extreme sacrifice.
Supported for the Development and the Distribution
Regia/Director: R.RecchioniSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: R.Recchioni, T.Turolo
Fotografia/DOP: T.Aliprandi
Montaggio/Editor: M.Monardo
Suono/Sound: H.Gergolet
Musica originale/Music: Collettivo Supernova
Produzione/Production company: Red On Productions, Adler