Carnia Monte Rosa


Italy / 30’ / Colour /  2010

Genre Documentary
Director Giampaolo Penco
Screenwriter Giampaolo Penco
Production company Videoest

Sylvain Saudan, from Swiss, is the initiator of extreme skiing. He always was the reference point for Luciano De Crignis. Both mountaineers, one Swiss, the other Carnian, have developed a relationship of rare intensity with the mountain environment that they challenge. Two people accustomed to living without compromise, used to doing only what they believe. Do not pose as teachers, continue to work. It affects almost instinctive ease with which face the most inviolable walls.
Luciano De Crignis want to redo with Fabio Iacchini, 15 years younger, one of the great runs of extreme skiing, the Marinelli canyon on Monte Rosa, that the “impossible skier” as he was called Sylvain Saudan, has come down in 1968. It’s 1999, Saudan has 62 years, De Crignis 47, Fabio Iacchini just over 30. It all seems easy, but many things go wrong, and we have to wait 10 years before De Crignis and Iacchini can sky the canyon Marinelli, along the path of Sylvain Saudan.

Supported for the Distribution


Regia/Director: Giampaolo Penco
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Giampaolo Penco
Fotografia/DOP: Paolo Babici, Bruno Beltramini, Tiziano Casanova, Paolo Forti
Montaggio/Editor: Fulvio Burolo
Musica originale/Music: Francesco Morosini
Società di produzione/Production company: Videoest -

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