
Italy / 82’ / Colour, BN/ HD/ 2018
Genre Documentary
Director P.Santolini
Screenwriter P.Santolini
Production company Okta Film
Father Luigi Ciotti always travels with two books under his arm: the New Testament and the Italian Constitution. They are the instruments of the “revolution of consciences” which he practices every day. A constant, tireless toiling aimed at stitching and re-stitching together the healthy parts of Italy. A patchwork blanket of scraps, which unites and gives strength, reminding us that over-used, emptied-out, betrayed words such as justice, anti-mafia, institutions, welfare, ethics, morals, democracy or solidarity belong to us, and should have their original meaning restored to them. That it is possible, together, to rethink them and reclaim them. The consistency of his gestures over years of great political, social and anthropological change made him one of the most exposed, at-risk men in the country, a sensitive target, a rebel priest, a free, tireless, troublesome, heretic.
Supported for the Development and Distribution
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Regia/Director: P.SantoliniSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: P.Santolini
Fotografia/DOP: P.Santolini
Montaggio/Editor: J. Quadri
Musica originale/Music: Billy Wilder
Suono/Sound: M. Gobiet
Produzione/Production company: Okta Film