

Genre Animation
Director L.Černic
Screenwriter L.Černic
Production Company

Cosmonauts is a short animated mockumentary that tells the parallel stories of three passengers – Delfino, Zenf, and Rita – on board the Pompelmo Express, an intergalactic cruise for singles seeking sex and fun. During the voyage, each of them will take note of their relationship with love and be amazed at how far they will be willing to go to achieve it, even if only with the tip of their little finger. Delfino is a naive, overweight man who constantly wears BDSM clothes. He believes in true and authentic love, to the point of falling in love with an inanimate little flower named Carlos. Rita is an elderly cleaning lady on the ship who is always ignored by everyone. While trying to secretly wear on a tutu, she gets stuck in it. Since no one will want to help her, Rita must finally learn to dance on her own. Zenf is a cranky and cynical scientist who does not believe in love and travels on the ship to continue his research on a meteorite named Mariolina. In spite of his cynicism, Zenf does not realize that he is blindly in love with her, to the point that he is willing to take control of the ship to get even a moment closer to her. His blind love will lead him to crash and explode along with her, the ship, the director of the film, and all the other Cosmonauts.

Supported for the Development and the Distribution


Regia/Director: L.Černic
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: L.Černic
Fotografia/DOP: L.Černic
Montaggio/Editor: I.Kraljević
Suono/Sound: J.Zornik
Musiche originali/Music: A.Cappuccio
Produzione/Production company: -

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