
Italy / 75’ / Colore
Genre Documentary
Director Ivan Gergolet
Screenwriter Ivan Gergolet
Production company Transmedia production, Imaginada Film
Maria Fux is a 90 years old Argentinian dancer. In her studio in the heart of Buenos Aires she is still dancing, teaching and conserving the elegance and the energy of a young performer. She accepts all kinds of people in her classes forming integrated groups of dancers. She gives everybody the possibility to develop their own way of expressing themselves and gets out the talent from dancers of all ages and conditions. After a period of training with her, a lot of them spring out, as if something new is waking up.
They take part in one of the most ancient human struggles: the battle of human beings against their limits. Maria Fux is not an exception. She is pushing her old body to the limits, but there’s an unknown force coming from inside, that drives her students to a concrete change and makes her still dancing. This film wants to tell about the power of that force.
Supported for the Development and Distribution
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Regia/Director: Ivan GergoletSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Ivan Gergolet
Fotografia/DOP: Ivan Gergolet, Debora Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: Natalie Cristiani
Musica originale/Music: Federico Jussid
Suono/Sound: Havir Gergolet
Produzione/Production company: Transmedia production, Imaginada Film