
Genre Documentary
Director C.Natoli
Screenwriter C.Natoli, E.Carcione
Production Company Tesla Production
The community of digital nomads shares a need that has become increasingly accessible in recent years: traveling while working or working while traveling. Digital nomads believe that online work is not found but created, and in this context, they become a sort of entrepreneurs of themselves, taking over the full organization of their lives, their schedules and their movements. In short, they want to be free. But who are the digital nomads? How did they become? What are their jobs? Our four characters are Andrea Butkovic, Federica Di Nardo, Francesca Ruvolo and Gianni Bianchini. Each one with a specific point of view, each in a own way and with a different degree of consciousness and intention, they all approached the phenomenon of digital nomadism.
Supported for the Development
Regia/Director: C.NatoliSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: C.Natoli, E.Carcione
Produzione/Production company: Tesla Production