

Genre Documentary
Director M.D’Agostini
Screenwriter M.D’Agostini
Production company Informazione Friulana

The documentary is inspired by the play Emigrant – Chant du Friûl starring Nadia Fabrizio. Moving from the theatrical stage to the film set, Emigrant is proposed as a bridge between past and present, sheding light on emigration and the current social situation.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: M.D'Agostini
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M.D'Agostini
Fotografia/DOP: C.Cescutti
Montaggio/Editor: M.D'Agostini
Produzione/Production company: Informazione Friulana
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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