Genre Documentary
Director S.Viali
Screenwriter S.Viali
Produzione A_Lab
847A.C. Arabs conquered a little village in southern Italy, Bari. In only thirty years they transformed it into a real and recognized Muslim Emirate. The subjects of the Emirate belonged to three different races and religions and lived together in balance and respect. The Emirate was not welcomed by the Pope and Venice, so to defeat it, was necessary an alliance between the Holy Roman Empire of East and West, Venice and the army of the Pope and a marriage to seal the covenant. Great Empires against only one Emirate, a city, Bari. The strong points move between the character of unpublished, it tells a true and unknown story breaking down the stereotypes, until the traces of those thirty years in today’s traditions in Southern Italy.
Supported for the Development
Regia/Director: S. VialiSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: S.Viali
Produzione/Production company: A_Lab