Friûl Revolution


Genre Mocumentary
Director M.D’Agostini
Screenwriter D.Benvenuto, M.Floran, C.Pressacco
Production company Informazione Friulana

Three guys leave aboard a van to find out what disease is dozing off the Friulian society. In short, they’ll be witness of a revolutionary mobilization so much that they are overwhelmed and become participants. In a Friuli disoriented, martyred by a crisis that has hit the whole country economically, politically and culturally, the revolution of “resolute, honest and worker people” was born. Tracing the fate of History will be the appearance of Abele Pelvio, a revolutionary leader ready to arouse the Friulian people. Does the possibility of a revolution in Friuli exist or not?

Supported for the Development and Distribution


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Regia/Director: M.D'Agostini
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: David Benvenuto, Cristian Pressacco, Marco Floran
Fotografia/DOP: Claudio Cescutti
Montaggio/Editor: M.D'Agostini, M.Monti
Suono/Sound: A.Blasetig, E.Nardin
Musiche originali/Music: L.Virgili, W.Sguazzin
Produzione/Production company: Informazione Friulana -

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