

Italy / 80’ / Colour / 2015

Genre Documentary
Director A.Fasulo
Screenwriter A.Fasulo
Production company Nefertiti Film

Is a family with a disabled child a disabled family?
Parents is a documentary film which allows itself to enter, to imagine and to share the reality of the  world of disability. For the last sixteen years a group of parents (12 mothers and 2 fathers) have gotten together every fifteen days to talk about their daily lives and to find achievable and effective solutions to better the lives of their disabled children. After so many years, the group has become a micro-society with its own equilibrium and in sharing the dedication they all have to their disabled children, the group has also become a family, especially for those parents who even though have since lost their children, keep coming to the group, precisely because in doing so they can “continue to feel that their loved ones are still alive”.
Helping to be helped, and helping oneself by taking care of others are the founding concepts of this group.
Regrets, fears, guilt, joy, anger, sharing and achievable solutions are the ingredients which make up the 60 minutes in which this group of people sit in a circle and identify that comparison and sharing are the common goods that can help to better their lives.
Independence, sexuality, limit, guilt, right to work are the topics they pass through during their meeting. Like any parent, like any son.
A film about the suffering that avoid the pietism, where one can breathe the courage of being scared, hand in hand with desires, emotions, and smiles. One forgets that these stories do not touch us directly, but softly they do.

Supported for the Distribution


Regia/Director: A.Fasulo
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: A.Fasulo
Fotografia/DOP: A.Fasulo
Montaggio/Editor: J.H.Nakajima
Musica/Music: Litfiba
Suono/Sound: D.Bassani
Produzione/Production company: Nefertiti Film -

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