Il Vint – Giovanna Marini racconta Pasolini


Genre Documentary
Director E.Tammaro
Screenwriter E.Tammaro
Production Company Red On Productions

The documentary follows the rehearsals of the play “Jo I Soj, Remembering Pasolini” from the first meetings with the actors/choristers, initially held at the house of the composer GIOVANNA MARINI in Monteporzio and then in Rome (Scuola Popolare del Testaccio) until the European debut in Amiens in France. The show is a summa of 40 years of musical work on PPP lyrics by Giovanna. A real artistic tribute in the name of a friendship interrupted too early (1975) and honored throughout her career.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: E.Tammaro
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: E.Tammaro
Fotografia/DOP: D.Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: Red On Productions
Suono/Sound: A.Petris
Musica originale/Music: G.Marini
Produzione/Production company: Red On Productions -

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