Il Nuovo ed io


Genre Documentary
Director D.Minigutti
Screenwriter D.Minigutti, E.Saccà
Production company Agherose

The Teatro Nuovo “Giovanni da Udine” is a crossroad of human experiences. It contains the memory of a community and of those who experience the theatre every day or just a few hours every now and then. By connecting with these stories, the young Caterina discovers how to make the biggest choices of her life: choosing which path to take when she finishes the high school. A journey to discover the theatre through the words and the looks of those who have lived it since its birth, and continue to live it with great passion.

Supported for the Development and Distribution


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Regia/Director: D.Minigutti
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: D.Minigutti, E.Saccà
Fotografia/DOP: D.Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: M.Rizzo
Musica originale/Music: A.Blasetig
Suono/Sound: T.Balin
Produzione/Production company: Agherose -

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