Il teschio e il lenzuolo


Genre Fiction
Director M.Turk
Screenwriters M.Turk, F.Bozzetti
Production Company Incipit Film, Bela Film

Love is a trap. Family is a cage. The past a shame to be erased. This is what Nadija, a forty-year-old lawyer, firmly believes. Until her grandmother’s funeral forces her to return to where she grew up until she was sixteen: in Ugovizza, among the mines and mountains that divide Italy and Slovenia. There, her mother wants to bury the old woman according to an ancient and macabre custom, typical of the Slovenian minority – an identity that Nadija tried hard to forget. For Nadija, it’s a jump into the past, into her own and the village’s memory. Taking part in the ritual that will change everything and everyone, she will rediscover a part of herself that she had repressed and find out the truth about her family. She will realize that children don’t really know anything about their parents and vice versa, that everyone loves in a different way, and that accepting one’s roots is the only way to find a true balance, making up for the mistakes of older generations.

Supported for the Development and the Distribution


Regia/Director: M.Turk
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M.Turk, F.Bozzetti
Produzione/Production company: Incipit Film, Bela Film -

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