

Genre Documentary
Director T. Jelinčić
Screenwriter T. Jelinčić
Production Company Transmedia Production

Storkman follows the story of a primary school janitor Stjepan whose life would pass completely unnoticed if a very special stork didn’t come his way.
The plot is set in the suburb of Croatian town Slavonski Brod where in 1992 Stjepan Vokic, a widower, found a stork with a broken wing. He saved her life and since then she has been living with Stjepan in his home. He named her Malena.
In 2002, Malena has found the love of her life and since then she patiently awaits for her loved one to arrive in the spring. Klepetan, as Stjepan named him, comes all the way from South Africa. Together, Klepetan and Malena have raised more than 60 little storks. When the autumn comes, Klepetan and their baby storks fly away to Africa. Malena is once again left alone with Stjepan. Without him, she would not survive the winter. And what would Stjepan be like without her?

Supported for the Development and the Distribution


Regia/Director: T. Jelinčić
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: T. Jelinčić
Produzione/Production company: Transmedia Production -

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