In search of Josephine


France, Italy / 2 x 52′ / Colour/ 2011

Genre Documentary
Director Eric Ellena
Screenwriter Eric Ellena
Production company Quasar

In France, Canada, Italy and the Caribbean, there is a historical icon that novelists, historians and curators all share a common passion for – a woman who died in 1814 only to become the central topic of numerous texts and literature worldwide. She is Josephine de Beauharnais, born Rose Tascher de la Pagerie. The daughter of a penniless planter from Martinique, she was also wife to the young and fickle Vicomte de Beauharnais before she became a widow at 31 years old. Afterwards, she established herself as the ideal partner for the future French Emperor Napoleon and went on to become one of the most remarkable women of her time.
The film brings us to the places where Josephine once lived and visited including the Caribbean Islands (Martinique), Italy (Milan, Venice, Udine), France (Paris, Fountainebleau and Plombières) and, of course, the Chateau de Malmaison where she last resided. We’ll rediscover the plantation ruins where Josephine grew up poor in Martinique, revisit the church where she had an arranged marriage to Beauharnais at 16 years, and reveal how she escaped the guillotine at the Carmes prison during the Reign of Terror, finally we’ll read the letters that Napoleon wrote her.

Supported for the Distribution


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Regia/Director: Eric Ellena
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Eric Ellena
Fotografia/DOP: Michele Codarin
Montaggio/Editor: Giorgio Milocco
Produzione/Production company: Quasar, French Connection Films -

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