Italiani sbagliati


Italy, Croatia, Slovenia / 54’ / Colour / Hdv / 2010

Genre Documentary
Director Diego Cenetiempo
Screenwriter Francesco Cenetiempo
Production company Pilgrim Film, Il Ramo d’Oro Editore

At the end of World War II, Italy was defeated by the Allied Forces and forced to pay his fee to the winners: the whole Histria region, the costal town of Zara, in Dalmatia, and the Quarnero gulf passed to the new Yugoslavia. Until 1945, in those territories the Italians had always been the majority of the population. With the re-definiton of the borders, followed by serious and intimidating anti-Italians attacks from the Yugoslavian government, most of the Italians living in those territories decided to leave their own houses to find a better life abroad.It has been an exodus which shocked the demographical situation in these regions. In Pula, for example, out of 32.000 inhabitants, 29.000 leaved. Anyway, some Italians decided to stay.

Supported for the Development


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Regia/Director: Diego Cenetiempo
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Francesco Cenetiempo
Fotografia/DOP: Diego Cenetiempo
Montaggio/Editor: Diego Cenetiempo
Musica originale/Music: Thomas Balin
Suono/Sound: Davide Rizzatti
Produzione/Production company: Pilgrim Film, Il Ramo d’Oro Editore -

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