La città delle donne


Italia, Germany/ 94’ / Colour/ 2011

Genre Documentary
Director Chiara Sambuchi
Screenwriter Chiara Sambuchi
Production company Hyphae

Strong, free and independent. Feminists across the entire world fought for this ideal for generations. After centuries of subordination, women should finally prove that they are thinking and self-determined entities. The documentary film is a journey to an imaginary female city, inspired by the film of the same name by Federico Fellini. Director Chiara Sambuchi undertakes a highly personal search for the femininity of today. On her journey through the Italy of today, she meets women who appear to have found their own role model. The film focuses on the women of contemporary Italy as a symbol for all other women as the tip of the iceberg of a putative new femininity , illustrates its patterns of behaviour and with this, undertakes an intimate search for feminine identity in the 21st Century.

Supported for the Distribution



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Regia/Director: Chiara Sambuchi
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Chiara Sambuchi, Nicole Leghissa
Fotografia/DOP: Patrick Popov, Peter Klotzi
Montaggio/Editor: Melanie Schutze, Fulvio Burolo
Musica originale/Music: Luca Ciut
Suono/Sound: Ferry Siering, Silvio Reichenbach
Produzione/Production company: Lava Film, Hyphae -

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