In the cave


Italy / 15’ /VR/ 2018

Genre Short Movie
Director I.Gergolet
Screenwriter I.Gergolet
Production Company Transmedia Production

A life that goes off, one last goodbye in the room of an old speleologist. Darkness invades the view and seems to leave no escape, but unexpectedly beyond the darkness there is something, a new beginning, an elsewhere from which to start again. A world made of millenary rocks and concretions. A cave full of beauty and mystery, where nothing is what it seems.
The only guide is a light on the head, whose shadows draw on the wet walls a new story. Exploring the wonders of the subsoil and looking for the way out of the eternal darkness, the viewer will be the protagonist of an allegorical journey in search of life and rebirth.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: I.Gergolet
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: I.Gergolet
Produzione/Production company: Transmedia Production -

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