La storia negli occhi


Genre Documentary
Director G.Bianchi
Screenwriter G. Bianchi, M. Marafatto
Production company Bonawentura

This documentary proposes to retrace Ugo Borsatti’s life, who, with 60 years as a professional photographer and photojournalist, is one of the most reliable and devoted witnesses of the life of Trieste and its citizens. Meeting this photographer gives us the opportunity not only to re-live the great vicissitudes of Trieste through his snapshots and his incredible memory, but also the daily memory of ordinary people, which he saved from oblivion with his strong vocation of narrator and witness. It is the portrait of a man, of his relationships and his research. A personal story but also a universal one.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: G.Bianchi
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: G.Bianchi, M.Marafatto
Montaggio/Editor: M.Marafatto
Produzione/Production company: Bonawentura -

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