L’accordatore di pianoforti


Genre Documentary
Director A.Bozzer
Production Company Videoest

Marco is a piano tuner. He finds by chance a video online, about an abandoned house, the house of an old piano tuner, dead for years now: Bruno Revere. What he sees is incredible: a ruin with dozens of upright pianos, crammed like books in a library, covered in dust and leaves. Marco watches enchanted and decides that he must look for that place. He finds the house with difficulty. But he discovers that it has been emptied. It recognizes the spaces from the video, but now they are empty. Just piles of dust and debris. The pianos are no longer there. He begins to dig and collect, pieces, fragments, shreds. Traces of a dissolved, lost existence. Marco decides to rebuild it.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: A.Bozzer
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: A.Bozzer
Fotografia/DOP: M.Zocchi, A.Bozzer
Montaggio/Editor: C.Scherlich
Suono/Sound: C.Scherlich
Musiche originali/Music: C.Scherlich
Produzione/Production company: Videoest
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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