L’angelo dei muri


Genre Fiction
Director L.Bianchini
Screenwriters L.Bianchini, M.Bianchini, F.Bozzetti
Production company Tucker Film, Rai Cinema, MYmovies
Website Tuckerfilm.com

Trieste. An old building, an old apartment. Inside lives Pietro, wearily, until one day his solitary routine is torn apart by an eviction order. The old man refuses to leave and develops a strategy to keep living secretly inside the house: he builds a wall across the end of the apartment’s long corridor, a vertical refuge where he can disappear. A grate for air, a narrow opening for light and a few tiny holes to study the movements of the enemy (the real estate agent, the potential new tenants). His fear of being discovered becomes an obsession, and everything makes him feel threatened: the hiss of wind, a shadow, a creak. Then, one day, “the enemy” eventually arrives: it’s a desperate mother who wants to put a roof over her daughter. How will Pietro react? Which form will his war take?

Supported for the Development and the Distribution


Regia/Director: L.Bianchini
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: L.Bianchini, M.Bianchini, F.Bozzetti
Fotografia/DOP: P.Zeitlinger
Montaggio/Editor: L.Bianchini
Suono/Sound: F.Morosini
Musiche originali/Music: V.Donelly
Produzione/Production company: Tucker Film, Rai Cinema, MYmovies
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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