Genre Documentary
Director D.Minigutti
Screenwriters D.Minigutti, L.Fabbro
Production Company Agherose
Lorenzo, 25 years old, discovers the researches of the linguist Ugo Pellis. At the beginning of XX Century, he travelled across Italy to make one of the biggest linguistic surveys in the world, supporting his work with thousands of photographs. Lorenzo is fascinated by the great amount of faces that Pellis immortalized and decides to return in those places to look for those who are still alive. The journey becomes a carousel of encounters, turning points and surprises. His research brings successes and failures. It is difficult to find the right tracks after so many years: landscapes have changed, people are dead, men or nature could have cancelled houses and communities for good. Through these experiences, Lorenzo reflects on the meaning of memory and its permeation with language, identity, diversity, love and death. Because Pellis’ linguistic atlas goes far beyond words and images. It is like an enormous map to be explored in several dimensions: it is an atlas of memory.
Supported for the Development and the Distribution
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Regia/Director: D.MiniguttiSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: L.Fabbro, D.Minigutti
Fotografia/DOP: D.Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: M.F.Valmori
Suono/Sound: M.Messina
Musiche originali/Music: F.M.Arrogalla
Produzione/Production company: Agherose