Genre Short movie
Director G.Milocco
Screenwriters AA.VV.
Production Company Quasar
Ivan is a sixty-year-old worker born in former Yugoslavia. He lives with his wife in a small village in Friuli called Torviscosa. One day he decides that the time has come to undertake a journey that will take him back to the places of his childhood, trying to solve the sense of guilt that he feels since he was a child.
Supported for the Development and the Distribution
Regia/Director: G.MiloccoSceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M. Daltin, A. Nardon, G.Milocco, A.De La Fuente
Fotografia/DOP: D.Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: G.Milocco
Suono/Sound: A.Petris
Musiche originali/Music: M.Germini
Produzione/Production company: Quasar