L’unità della poesia e le fratture della vita


Genre Documentary
Director G.Penco
Screenwriter G.Penco
Production Company Videoest

When someone mentions Umberto Saba, to those who have read it and perhaps studied it at school, words come to mind that tell of the fragility of living beings, an inner world in constant turmoil, moments of life that suddenly manifest themselves before our eyes. He is considered one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century, his writing is considered exemplary clear, but he has never had the recognition of Montale or Ungaretti. This was his worry, which adds to his relationship with Trieste, his loved, hated, sung city, from which he was never fully loved in return. The film, through today’s witnesses, his letters and his poems, reconstructs the controversial relationship between Saba and his city.

Supported for the Distribution


Regia/Director: G.Penco
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: G.Penco
Fotografia/DOP: M.Zocchi, A.Bozzer
Montaggio/Editor: Suono/Sound: C.Scherlich, M.Bernobi
Produzione/Production company: Videoest
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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