L’uomo senza colpa


Genre Fiction
Director I.Gergolet
Screenwriter I.Gergolet
Production Company Transmedia Production

Angela is a dedicated and sensitive carer. She is a widow. Her husband, as many other workers in the area, died from asbestos-related diseases. When the man responsible for the many deaths, now crippled, is hospitalised, she accepts his son’s offer to become his caregiver, hoping to take her revenge.
This is the beginning of a journey for Angela, a journey into the tragedy of her loss, her suffering and her hatred. This clever script shies away from an easy plot, creating characters that are at the same time victims and executioners. Angela is taking her revenge but there is no easy way out of her past.

Supported for the Development and Distribution


Regia/Director: I.Gergolet
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: I.Gergolet
Fotografia/DOP: D,Vrizzi
Montaggio/Editor: N.Cristiani
Suono/Sound: F.Morosini
Musiche originali/Music: L.Ciut
Produzione/Production company: Transmedia Production
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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