

Italia / 72’ / 2017

Genre Documentary
Director M.Garlatti Costa
Screenwriters E.Ursella, M.G.Costa
Production Company Raja Films
Website Rajafilms.com

On 28th of August 1974, a group of Friulian Priests asked their Bishops to do Mass in their own language. After more than forty years they are still waiting for an official response by the Vatican. MISSUS tells the story of the last surviving Priests of Glesie Furlane, the Friulian Church.

Supported for the Development


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MISSUS - trailer sottotitoli italiano from Raja Films on Vimeo.


Regia/Director: M.Garlatti Costa
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: E.Ursella, M.G.Costa
Produzione/Production company: Raja Films
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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