
Genre Documentary
Screenwriter Chiara Barbo
Production company Pilgrim
The frozen subsoil beneath Newtok and many other Native Alaskan villages is melting, due to warming air temperatures and a warming ocean. Coastal erosion and the rivers’ frequent floods made an immense swam of the land around the village.
Newtok is threatened by the water, and is slowly sinking. 350 people live in this village. There are a kindergarten, a primary school and a high school, two stores, there are 350 people’s homes. In few year, this world will be swept away by water and mud. Newtok is a community, isolated from the rest of the world but self sufficient. But they cannot live there anymore: they are the first victims of climate changes, the first global warming refugees. This documentary tells their stories, through their own voices, their faces, their everyday life. Newtok is far from our homes, but still it is someone else’s home. Climate change is affecting their lives now, tomorrow it might affect ours.
Supported for the Development
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: Chiara BarboProduzione/Production company: Pilgrim