Non è il paradiso


Genre Documentary
Director E.Cozzarini
Screenwriter E.Cozzarini
Production Company Quasar

Leaving one’s homeland is a choice that lies engraved in the soul. Viorel doesn’t know it yet, when he escapes from Romania. In the United States, he becomes Victor, and achieves material success. In the States, however, he comes upon the falsehood about his national hero, Dracula, transformed into a vampire. His reaction to such a slight is to face his own ghosts and reckon with that feeling of being uprooted which has become a part of him.

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: E.Cozzarini
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: E.Cozzarini
Fotografia/DOP: S.Varani
Produzione/Production company: Quasar -

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