Pozzis, Samarcanda


Genre Documentary
Director S.Giacomuzzi
Screenwriters S.Giacomuzzi, E.Barbiani
Production Company Uponadream Studios
Website Uponadream.it

Cocco and Stefano, two unlikely friends united by one goal: to get to Samarkand, from the mountains in northeastern Italy. Cocco is an old biker suffering from Crohn disease who dreams of heading east on his ’39 Harley-Davidson. Stefano wants to make a film about this adventure and his friend’s story. Amid the ups and downs of an absurd journey, the challenge will prove much greater than expected. Only friendship will see them through to their destinations.

Supported for the Development and the Distribution


Regia/Director: S.Giacomuzzi
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: S.Giacomuzzi
Fotografia/DOP: M.Sacher
Montaggio/Editor: J. D’Auria, S.Giacomuzzi
Musica originale/Music: D.Moroldo
Suono/Sound: L.Dal Ri
Produzione/Production company: Uponadream Studios
http://livregratis.fr/ - http://club-ebook.fr/

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