Predis, la nazione negata


Genre Documentary
Director M.Garlatti Costa
Screenwriter M.Garlatti Costa
Production Company Belka Media, Raja Films
Website Belka

‘PREDIS, the denied nation’ tells the story of Friulian independence throughout the twentieth century, focusing on the figures of the ‘Friulian fighting priests’, Father Giuseppe Marchetti, Father Francesco Placereani and Father Antonio Bellina who tried to arouse the conscience of their own people so they would become aware of their own history, culture, language but above all of their own identity.

Supported for the Development and the Distribution


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PREDIS, la nazione negata from Raja Films on Vimeo.


Regia/Director: M.Garlatti Costa
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: M.Garlatti Costa
Fotografia/DOP: M.Garlatti Costa
Montaggio/Editor: M.Garlatti Costa
Suono/Sound: E.G.Nardin
Produzione/Production company: Belka Media, Raja Films -

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