
Genre Animation
Director AA.VV.
Production company Arte video
A unique experiment, an intriguing example of transnational cooperation, a game.
Ten different artists, from ten different European countries, have been asked to participate in a challenging task: narrating the story of an object they do not know anything about in a ten minutes animation film, drawing directly on the celluloid. Some ground rules have been established: each artist will be asked to choose an item related to his or her land. Something symbolic, that can represent the soul of their territories in a peculiar way. The items will be collected and shuffled by the team. At this point every participant will receive a box containing one of the ten objects, picked randomly between the ones provided by his or her fellow artists. No information about the original senders’ identities and home countries will be provided.
The ten “portions” will eventually be gathered by the RE-CYCLING team, edited and harmonized to give continuity between the various parts, and the original soundtrack will be composed and added. The ten stories will become one, the ten artists will be reconnected, the ten objects will find their voice together. RE-CYCLING will make it happen.
Supported for the Development
Regia/Director: AA.VV.Produzione/Production company: Arte Video