Su donu


Genre Documentary
Director F.Goia
Screenwriter F.Goia, R.Vuaran
Production company Quasar

The project follows the story of a young man from a little village in the Sardinian hinterland. His grandfather is a healer who cures people in his smithy, following an old tradition passed down in his family for generations. He wants to teach his grandchild his art, having recognized in him the gift (SU DONU), the ability to heal. The boy is now torn between the desire to learn his grandfather’s art and the fear of taking up the responsibility of dedicating his life to cure other people…

Supported for the Development


Regia/Director: F.Goia
Sceneggiatura/Screenwriter: F.Goia, R.Vuaran
Produzione/Production company: Quasar -

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